A Global Optimization with WP Speed of Light

We are happy to announce a full integration of ImageRecycle service with WP Speed of Light optimization plugin. An ImageRecycle quota is now integrated in the plugin memberships along with all other optimizations (cache, browser cache, database cleanup and many more).

Image compression quota included:

  • 6 month membership: get a 1GB quota available for all your websites
  • 1 year membership: get a 3GB quota available for all your websites

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5 Tips to Speed Up your Website for Better Search Engine Ranking

Website speed is important when it comes to ranking on Google. Here’s an official announcement in Google webmaster central blog some years back:

You may have heard that here at Google we’re obsessed with speed, in our products and on the web. As part of that effort, today we’re including a new signal in our search ranking algorithms: site speed. Site speed reflects how quickly a website responds to web requests…

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Brand New WordPress Plugin Out!

The ImageRecycle plugin for WordPress is the go-to plugin to optimize your media files, saving on server space at the same time. If you’re a long-time user of ImageRecycle, we’ve got great news. And if you’ve never used it, then we’ve got all the arguments for you to use it!
Version 3.0 of ImageRecycle has been released, and it comes with even more improvements for your media files. Let’s dive in!

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Metadata management now in ImageRecycle!

ImageRecycle is a tool that lets you upload and optimize your images, but the new update does much more than that, allowing you further freedom in securing your files. In fact, the latest version of ImageRecycle achieves this by allowing you to remove some or all of the so-called image metadata.

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Embed media in Joomla and make it loading fast

I guess you’ve already experienced to put online large documents (like documentation) with a lot media inside, using Joomla.

You have different choices that impact the page speed and the user experience:

  • Make the document available as HTML, best choice for SEO, not always attractive to read
  • Make the document as a downloadable PDF
  • Embed the document as a Google document

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PDF optimization reports

Optimizing your WordPress website’s PDF and media files with ImageRecycle is a handy and automatic tool to save server space. Nonetheless, the process could take some time, and that is where PDF reports come in.

ImageRecycle’s PDF reports are a useful feature to give you a preview of how much your site could benefit from optimization... And they’re free! This section can be accessed from ImageRecycle’s website. Once you are logged in, you can head to the reports page from the My Account tab to generate a PDF report.

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